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  • Promote the growth of broadband and fiber optics to reach out to more rural areas.

  • Promote the growth of small businesses.

  • Promote improvements in education, including school choice.

  • Protect our personal freedoms including the 2nd Amendment, and all of our constitutional rights.

  • Protect the lives of all of our citizens, including those still in the womb.


We need policies that encourage businesses to create stable, long-term, private sector jobs. More taxes, regulations and government-related jobs are not the answer, and they must be held to a minimum. Mandates and subsidies have to give way to consistent government policies that enable the private sector to get back to the job of building New Hampshire.


Educational opportunities must be the best in the world for our kids. I will be a strong advocate for real education reform. At the k-12 level this starts with real school choice. Putting parents back in charge of their children’s education is the key to making our education systems the best in the world.

Second Amendment

As individual citizens we must vigilantly preserve our Second Amendment right to defend ourselves and our families. I support generous concealed carry laws and believe citizens have a right and responsibility to be the first defense for themselves and their family.

Properly Funding Our Police

Our police must be able and ready to respond to the realities of our troubled world.  Having personally dialed 911 at 1:00 a.m. because of a break-in, the calm it provided me will never be forgotten.

Health Care

Today we enjoy unprecedented medical technologies, but the economic model, driven by too many government mandates and subsidies, has made medical treatment unaffordable for far too many families. More subsidies and mandates, including the mandate to buy the federal government’s brand of medical insurance has not fixed the problem. Allowing true free-market principles back into medicine will help put us on a path back to health-care sanity and help to break up the monopolies currently in place.


What an incredible state we live in!  Our mountains, streams, forests, and lakes are jewels to be treasured.  We need to maintain sensible rules for managing our state lands and the recreational opportunities and resources they provide for all of us.  I will be a public voice for the common-sense approach to protecting our environment.


Conventional energy production is a key to our nation’s economic prosperity. Renewables are great when they make economic sense, but our policy needs to be “all of the above.”

 List of Issues

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